60 motivational phrases to take you further

60 motivational phrases to take you further

There are countless factors that lead an entrepreneur to success. One is a good example: it is always good to know what people who have prospered think – not only those who have done well in the business world, but also who wrote the name in history.

Thinking about it, the “Inc.” listed a series of motivational phrases, authoring prominent names in various areas. Check out a translation of the best quotes below:

1) “If you set absurdly high goals and fail, your failure will be much better than everyone’s success” – James Cameron, filmmaker

2) “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to look for it” – Henry David Thoreau, philosopher

3) “Life is better for those who do their best to have the best – John Wooden, basketball player and coach

4) “Entrepreneurs fail, on average, 3.8 times before success. What separates the successful from others is persistence.” – Lisa M. Amos, executive

5) “If you are not willing to risk, be willing to lead an ordinary life” – Jim Rohn, entrepreneur

Think of her, dream about her, live thinking about her.Let brain, muscles, nerves, all parts of your body be filled with this idea.This is the way to success “- Swami Vivekananda, Hindu thinker

7) “Stop chasing money and start pursuing success” – Tony Hsieh, entrepreneur

8) “All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney, designer and entrepreneur

9) “To succeed is to fail repeatedly, but without losing enthusiasm” – Winston Churchill, politician

10) “Whenever you see a successful person, you will always see the glories, never the sacrifices that led you there” – Vaibhav Shah, thinker

The definition of success varies from person to person For me, success is previous peace “- Denzel Washington, actor” I do not know what that means.

12) “Opportunities do not arise. You create them” – Chris Grosser, photographer

13) “Do not try to be a successful person. Instead, be a person of value” – Albert Einstein, physical

14) “It is not the strongest that survives, nor the most intelligent. Whoever survives is the most willing to change” – Charles Darwin, biologist

15) “The best revenge is a resounding success” – Frank Sinatra, singer

16) “I did not fail. I only discovered 10 thousand paths that were not the right one” – Thomas Edison, inventor

17) “A successful man is one who creates a wall with the bricks they threw on him” – David Brinkley, journalist

18) “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” – Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the USA

19) “The great secret of a good life is to find out what its destiny is and to realize it” – Henry Ford, entrepreneur

20) “If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going Through” – Churchill

21) “What seems to us a bitter ordeal can be a blessing in disguise” – Oscar Wilde, writer

22) “The distance between insanity and genius is measured by success” – Bruce Feirstein, screenwriter

23) “Do not be afraid to give up the good to pursue the great” – John D. Rockefeller, entrepreneur

24) “Happiness is a butterfly that, whenever persecuted, will appear unattainable, yet if you are patient, it may rest on your shoulder.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne, writer

25) “If you can not explain something simply, then you do not quite understand what you have to say” – Einstein

26) “There are two kinds of people who will tell you that you can not make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid that you will get along.” – Ray Goforth, executive

27) “Start from where you are, use whatever you have, do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe, tennis player

28) “People ask me what role I most enjoy playing. I always answer: the next one” – Kevin Kline, actor

29) “I found that the more I work, the luckier I seem to have” – ​​Thomas Jefferson, politician

30) “The starting point of any achievement is desire” – Napoleon Hill, political advisor

31) “Success is the sum of repeated small efforts day after day” – Robert Collier, writer

32) “Every Progress Happens Out of the Comfort Zone” – Michael John Bobak

33) “Courage is the resistance and mastery of fear, not its absence” – Mark Twain, writer

34) “Just avoid doing something today if you want to die and leave unfinished business” – Pablo Picasso, painter

35) “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary” – Vidal Sassoon, hairdresser

36) “I do not know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone” – Bill Cosby, comedian

37) “Although no one can go back and start all over again, anyone can have a great end” – Carl Bard

38) “I found that if you feel like living and are curious, sleeping is not the most important thing” – Martha Stewart, presenter

39) “Twenty years from now, you will have no regrets of the things you have done, but of the things you have left to do, so sail away from your safe harbor.

40) “The first step towards success is given when you refuse to be a hostage of the environment you are in.” – Mark Caine, journalist

41) “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to stop and reflect” – Twain

42) “Keep going, there will be a chance that you will be barred by an obstacle, perhaps for something you do not even expect, but go on because I have never heard of anyone barred while standing.” – Charles F. Kettering, inventor

43) “If you really want something, do not wait. Teach yourself to be impatient” – Gurbaksh Chahal, entrepreneur

44) “If you want a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on your size!” – T. Harv Eker, author

45) “Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not want to do. Do not want life to be easier.

46) “The first reason for someone’s failure is to listen to friends, family and neighbors” – Hill

47) “Success does not consist in not making mistakes, but not making the same mistakes more than once” – George Bernard Shaw, author

48) “Motivation is what makes the entrepreneur start and habit is what keeps us going” – Jim Rynn

49) “Our greatest fear should not be failure, but be successful in something that does not matter” – Francis Chan, pastor

50) “If you did not draw up a plan for yourself, you might fall into someone else’s plan, and guess what he planned for you?”

51) “You must fight more than one battle to become a winner” – Margaret Thatcher, politics

52) “I owe my success to my habit of respectfully listening to counsel and doing just the opposite” – G.K. Chesterton, Writer

53) “Many of life’s failures occur when we do not realize how close we were to success at the time we gave up” – Edison

54) “The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Too much trust is something intended for the less talented as a consolation prize” – Robert Hughes, art critic

55) “A formula for success? It’s quite simple, in fact: double the probability of failure of your company.” You think that failure is an enemy of success, but it is not at all. mistakes or learn from them, then go ahead and keep on failing. Make as many mistakes as you can, that’s where you’ll succeed. “- Thomas J. Watson, Entrepreneur

56) “Keep in mind that your desire to succeed is more important than anything” – Abraham Lincoln, politician

57) “Be content to act. Let speech to others” – Baltasar Gracian, philosopher

58) To succeed, you have to accept all the challenges that come before you. You can not just accept the ones you prefer “- Mike Gafka, speaker

59) “The successful warrior is an average man, but with a sharp focus like a laser beam” – Bruce Lee, actor

60) “Logic can lead from point A to point B. Imagination can lead anywhere” – Einstein

Source: http://revistapegn.globo.com/Noticias/noticia/2014/08/60-frases-motivacionais-para-levar-voce-mais-longe.html

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