Html, CSS and JavaScript tricks for mobile website

8 years ago
As of 2014 mobile users have surpassed desktop users and according to google adwords blog published on May 2015, mobile searches have increased. Here is what google said “In fact, more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and ...

Fix scrolling performance with CSS will-change pro

10 years ago
This post is part of our Webperf Wednesday series. I recently saw Paul Lewis’ screencast demonstrating how trivial it can be to fix a particular kind of performance issue caused by scrolling. I knew the problem looked familiar and I realized it was right in my front yard, so to speak. Four ...
A Collection of Pure CSS Animation Snippets & Demos

A Collection of Pure CSS Animation Snippets &

10 years ago
Open source code has ushered in a new era of frontend web development. Beginners and experts alike can save time and stress by working with pre-built code snippets. The following gallery consists of 30 different snippets for creating animated effects with pure CSS. All of these code ...

A Few Different Ways To Use SVG Sprites In Animati

10 years ago
There are some things we know and like about SVGs. First, SVGs have smooth, clean edges on any display, so using SVGs can reduce the number of HTTP requests for image replacement. Second, it’s easy to make an SVG scalable to its container for responsive development. In this article we’ll ...

Infographic: The Client’s Guide to Creating a Webs

10 years ago
Today, a website is the first place potential customers and partners come to when they want to know more about your business. It’s your primary interface with the online world and perhaps your best salesman. Just like with any other business asset, you need to do the due-diligence and make ...

SVG Sprites and Icon Systems Are Super

10 years ago
I received an email recently asking for assistance with an SVG icon issue. The individual explained that he was working with a lot of icons (about 300, which I would say qualifies as a “system”) as images and wondering if there was a way to change these colors with CSS after the ...

50 Free Resources for Web Designers from February

10 years ago
The tremendous thing about the design community is that we all love to share. We really do. Whether we share our thoughts and ideas via an in-depth article, or by giving advice/feedback on a forum, or even by freely offering high-quality resources. The sharing is what makes our community ...

30 Extensions, Plugins and Addons for Bootstrap

10 years ago
Ahhhh, the much-loved Bootstrap. No other front-end framework has revolutionized the web design world in the way that Bootstrap has. Put simply, it has allowed us to create consistent, mobile-first, and cross-browser layouts much faster and much better than ever before. And on top of that, ...

10 Tips to Adapt PHP Web Sites for Mobile Devices

10 years ago
The trend of users accessing the Web more and more from mobile devices than from desktop computers is not new. However, the effort that is often necessary to adapt sites to appear well in mobile devices discouraged many Web developers to invest in making that effort. Meanwhile, the recent ...

Common Usability Mistakes You Should Avoid

10 years ago
There is much more to a website’s success than just fancy web design. In fact, when it comes to increasing conversions and enhancing the overall growth of your website, a good and visually appealing layout or web design is just one part of the equation. Usability, by all accounts, is ...

10+ Solutions for Responsive Data Tables

10 years ago
Having trouble fitting your tables into a responsive site? They look great on a desktop layout, but look miserable on mobile. The Basics First remove any fixed widths from your markup. Before: [crayon-67aa8f266c5ac084100648/] After: [crayon-67aa8f266c5b7261558125/] The width attribute is ...

25 CSS3 Code Snippets for Making 3D Animated Effec

10 years ago
Web developers have been immersing themselves into CSS3-based designs. Transition animations along with CSS keyframes have opened the door to many possibilities. 3D animation was never optimal outside of Flash-based websites. However the further advancements in JavaScript along with CSS3 ...

40 CSS3 button examples with effects & animati

10 years ago
Are you looking for some CSS3 buttons, which are good enough to be used in real-world website projects? here are some CSS3 buttons you might like. Since my last post about codepen buttons, I’ve been searching sites like codepen, cssdeck and jsfiddle for some good practical buttons and I’m ...

Exemplos de Menus

10 years ago
CSS3 Menu Navigation Effect   CSS3 drop-down menus


10 years ago
Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. GIT

Here Are 10 jQuery Snippets Every Designer Should

10 years ago
1.Back to top button // Back To Top $(‘’).click(function(){ $(document.body).animate({scrollTop : 0},800); return false; }); //Create an anchor tag Back to top -There’s no need to use a plugin to create a simple scroll to top animation in jQuery. By simply changing the scrollTop value ...

The Client’s Guide to What it Actually Takes to Cr

10 years ago
Web developers: Email potential or current clients to this article for help clarifying your process, and suggest improvements in the comments! When you’re looking to create a website for your business, it’s important to choose the right design and development team to do it for you. A ...

How to Create a Custom Error 404 page for WordPres

10 years ago
This tutorial will teach you how to create an error 404 page for your WordPress powered site. If you already have an error 404 page you will learn how to make it a bit more user-friendly and dynamic. An error 404 is when a visitor tries to access a page that does not exist. Sometimes people ...