40 Tiny Web-Based Apps & Tools for Web Designers

In this post we have collected a varied assortment of tiny web-based apps and tools that have been built with the purpose of solving a specific solution and act as precious time-savers for web designers. They are those tools that may not be very well known, are not the most powerful of apps, but are really useful and do serve their purpose extremely well.

You will find apps that will help you to create icon-fonts, calculators for working out an elements width in % from PXs, apps that will allow you to create beautiful typography, tools for validating and sorting your CSS, super-simple editors, resources for quick reference, sprite generators, PSD validators, Base64 converters… and much, much more.

Get ready to start bookmarking…

Daturi – An app for converting images to Base64.

px-em – A PX to EM calculator.
px-em - A PX to EM calculator - Web based small tiny app

PSD Validator – Tool to find out how well your PSD files are structured.
PSD Validator - A super-simple CSS3 generator - Web based small tiny app

Create CSS3 – A super-simple CSS3 generator.
Create CSS3 - A super-simple CSS3 generator - Web based small tiny app

SassMe – An app for visualizing SASS color functions.
SassMe - An app for visualizing SASS color functions - Web based small tiny app

Responsive Wireframes – Quickly create and share RWD wireframes.
Responsive Wireframes - Quickly create and share RWD wireframes - Web based small tiny app

iconmelon – Quickly create a library of SVG icons.
iconmelon - Quickly create a library of SVG icons - Web based small tiny app

GlyphSearch – An app for searching for icons from Font Awesome, Glyphicons, IcoMoon & Ionicons.
GlyphSearch - Web based small tiny app

Raw – An app for createing custom vector-based visualizations on top D3.js.
Raw - Web based small tiny app

Random User Generator – An API that offers you a randomly generated user.
Random User Generator - Web based small tiny app

uinames – A simple tool to generate names for use in your mockups.
uinames - Web based small tiny app

FontAwesome Finder – Quickly and instantly search FontAwesome icons.
FontAwesome Finder - Web based small tiny app

typesetwith.me – A web-based typography and legibility sandbox.
typesetwith.me - Web based small tiny app

Type Scale – A typographical visual calculator.
Type Scale - Web based small tiny app

Contrast Ratio – A tool to calculate color contrast ratios.
Contrast Ratio - Web based small tiny app

CSS Beautifier – A tool that will automatically ‘beautify’ your CSS.
CSS Beautifier - Web based small tiny app

RQRWD – A calculator for working out elements width in % from PX.
RQRWD - Web based small tiny app

Z-Bugs – A tool to minify and Gzip compress your CSS and JS quickly.
Z-Bugs - Web based small tiny app

Iconogen – A tool to for generating favicons, Windows 8 Tiles and iOS7 icons.
Iconogen - Web based small tiny app

MQtest.io – An app to identify which media queries your device responds to.
MQtest.io - Web based small tiny app

NTH-TEST – A nth-child and nth-of-type tester.
NTH-TEST - Web based small tiny app

11h Re-Size – A tool to check web designs against available screen resolutions.
11h Re-Size - Web based small tiny app

CSS3 Generator – A simple CSS3 generator.
CSS3 Generator - Web based small tiny app

SpinKit – Simple loading spinners animated with CSS.
SpinKit - Web based small tiny app

SVGeneration - Web based small tiny app

A handy web-based web developer checklist.
A handy web developer checklist - Web based small tiny app

Makeappicon – A tool for generating app icons of all sizes.
Makeappicon - Web based small tiny app

Red Pen – An app for uploading your design and getting live feedback.
Red Pen - Web based small tiny app

TypeWonder – A useful tool for testing web fonts on the fly.
TypeWonder - Web based small tiny app

Editor – The simplest Markdown editor ever!.
Editor  - Web based small tiny app

Clipping Magic – A handy tool for removing image backgrounds.
Clipping Magic - Web based small tiny app

Fontello – Generate an icon font from Font Awesome, Entypo, Typicons, and many more icon sets. .
Fontello - Web based small tiny app

OverAPI – Collecting all the cheat sheets in one place.
OverAPI - Web based small tiny app

Flat UI colors reference.
Flat UI colors reference - Web based small tiny app

Unicode character table.
Unicode character table - Web based small tiny app

Fontsatic – A tool for creating custom icon fonts (over 6,000 icons to choose from).
Fontsatic - Web based small tiny app

JSHint – A tool to detect errors and potential problems in JS.
JSHint - Web based small tiny app

extractCSS – A tool for extracting ids, classes and inline styles from HTML and outputting them as CSS.
extractCSS - Web based small tiny app

SpritePad – Create and edit CSS sprites.
SpritePad - Create and Edit CSS Sprites

Css2Less – CSS to Less converter.
Css2Less - CSS to Less converter

CSSComb – Sort CSS Properties in a Specific Order.
CSSComb - Sort CSS Properties in a Specific Order


Fonte:Β http://speckyboy.com/2014/01/30/40-tiny-web-based-apps-tools-web-designers/

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